Women in Product Book Club

Books, Best Practices, and Everything in Between

Books, Best Practices, and Everything in Between

Books, Best Practices, and Everything in Between

About us

About us

About us

We are a group of ambitious women across product, design, UXR, and marketing. Started in 2020 as a way to simply engage in extra-curricular learning, the club has evolved to be a cherished source of networking, community & support for over 300 women.

Our book club has featured inspiring guest attendees like Teresa Torres, author of Continuous Discovery Habits; Annie Duke, world champion poker player and author of Thinking in Bets; and Irene Yu, founder of Skiplevel.

Join Now

Join Now

Join Now

Don’t miss out on upcoming events and book club updates. Add your email to get a monthly update and become part of our ever-growing community!

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a product manager to join?

No! In fact many women who join are aspiring product managers/ designers/ UXR/ marketing and have since landed roles in these fields.

No! In fact many women who join are aspiring product managers/ designers/ UXR/ marketers and have since landed roles in these fields.

How often does the club meet?

We meet virtually every month to discuss the book of the month and share our insights. We also have quarterly meet ups just for fun.

Is there a membership fee?

Membership is absolutely free! You only need to cover the cost of the books you read.

Can I join even if I don't have time to finish the book?

Our discussions often stray to trading solutions we are facing at work and home. Therefore, you are welcomed and encouraged to attend even on a particularly busy month!

© Women in Product Book Club, 2023